About Me
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Bout Me
ok heres bout me if u can b bothered 2 read it i am a lad of 18 yrs of age, brown hair bout 5ft 5ins (about) i live in Wolverhampton n go 2 Pendeford skool studyin ICT, Product Design n German (yawn)i really enjoy skatin and currently hav my own VD design on my board (i painted it)

Fave Bands

my fave bands are Slipknot, korn, Violent Delight <~~obviously, AFI, cky, SUM*41, Blink 182, Linkin Park, Stone Sour, Murderdolls, Something Corporate, Finch, Glassjaw, Nirvana, Drowning Pool, Foo Fighters, Otep, Muse, Green Day, Marilyn Manson, Cradle of Filth.

thats all i can think of 4 now but there will b more put on here.

Bout My Band
this will appear when I get one.

Email Me! or add me to your MSN i like having lotsa friends

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